GPC® 188D

General Purpose Controller, Intel 80C188

GPC® 188D English Tech. Manual PDF format.

Ver. 5.00 - Preliminary - Rel. xxx.

GPC® 188D is a powerful control and managing card in the 100x160 mm Eurocard format. It relies on the powerful Abaco® Industrial BUS and exploits the numerous intelligent and non intelligent peripherals available on this BUS.

GPC® 188D is based on the powerful and notorious CPU 80C188 Intel, therefore being code compatible with any PC, and has considerable hardware resources on board. It is remarkable the availability of an Abaco® I/O BUS, located in the front side of the card. Through this interface it is possible to supply or control, in great praticality, an hardware section dedicated to drive an LCD Graphic panel provided with keyboards or the I/O modules of BLOCK serie like ZBR 324, ZBT 324, etc. Extreme modularity and great compactness of hardware resources allow GPC® 188D to deal with application of great complexity in ease. The great employment facility is due also to the wide range of software development tools available including high level languages that, in a very friendly and efficent environment, allow to make the best work using just a PC. Remarkable amongst these tools is the integrated development environment made by GET 188 matched with an efficent PASCAL Romated Compiler, or the onr that allows to burn a ROM with the software developed using the common C Compilers, made by Microsoft or Borland, available on PC. Special care has been devoted to the most difficult operation, the one performed by the Debugger, by programs that allow the Remote Symbolic Debuggong directly on the card, providing featires like the ones of Borland Turbo Debugger .

Data Sheet GPC® 188D, Rel. 96.4

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