KSC - Simulators & Debuggers


Standard included in each of the SYSTEM51 is a window oriented simulator.
each simulator may work in both hll ( c or pascal ) and assembler mode, and both symbolic watches and absolute and register variables may be shown during run.

Step, step over, animated run and run to breakpoints are supported on both a statement and an instruction level.

You may record and playback your run.

In the window versions you may also graphically see the port bit changes and the execution profile.

Instruction set excuted may be one of those in the original 8051 or the Infineon C517 family

An example is shown in the figure.






The DEBUG51 for either DOS or Windows are In Circuit Debuggers that for the user looks exactly as the corresponding simulators.

Opposing the corresponding simulators, they execute programs out in the real processors. This is done by using a ROM based monitor out in the target, communicating with a program in the PC through a serial COM-Port. In the target, this communication is connected to two, user selected port bits through an interface box, freeing the serial channel for other purposes.




Pagina aggiornata al 22 Agosto 2007

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