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PicBasic Compiler Instruction Set

  • ASM..ENDASM - Insert assembly language code section.*
  • BRANCH - Computed GOTO (equivalent to ON..GOTO).
  • BUTTON - Debounce and auto-repeat input on specified pin.
  • CALL - Call assembly language subroutine.*
  • EEPROM - Define initial contents of on-chip EEPROM.
  • END - Stop execution and enter low power mode.
  • FOR..NEXT - Repeatedly execute statement(s).
  • GOSUB - Call BASIC subroutine at specified label.
  • GOTO - Continue execution at specified label.
  • HIGH - Make pin output high.
  • I2CIN - Read bytes from I2C device.*
  • I2COUT - Send bytes to I2C device.*
  • IF..THEN - GOTO if specified condition is true.
  • INPUT - Make pin an input.
  • [LET] - Assign result of an expression to a variable.
  • LOOKDOWN - Search table for value.
  • LOOKUP - Fetch value from table.
  • LOW - Make pin output low.
  • NAP - Power down processor for short period of time.
  • OUTPUT - Make pin an output.
  • PAUSE - Delay (1mSec resolution).
  • PEEK - Read byte from register.*
  • POKE - Write byte to register.*
  • POT - Read potentiometer on specified pin.
  • PULSIN - Measure pulse width (10us resolution).
  • PULSOUT - Generate pulse (10us resolution).
  • PWM - Output pulse width modulated pulse train to pin.
  • RANDOM - Generate pseudo-random number.
  • READ - Read byte from on-chip EEPROM.
  • RETURN - Continue execution at statement following last executed GOSUB.
  • REVERSE - Make output pin an input or an input pin an output.
  • SERIN - Asynchronous serial input (8N1).
  • SEROUT - Asynchronous serial output (8N1).
  • SLEEP - Power down processor for a periond of time (1 Sec resolution).
  • SOUND - Generate tone or white-noise on specified pin.
  • TOGGLE - Make pin output and toggle state.
  • WRITE - Write byte to on-chip EEPROM.

*PicBasic language extension not found on BS1.


All math operations are unsigned and performed with 16-bit precision. The operators supported are:

Math Operators









MSB of Multiplication










Bitwise AND


Bitwise OR


Bitwise XOR


Bitwise AND NOT


Bitwise OR NOT


Bitwise XOR NOT

Page up-dated at January 17, 2012

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