GigaLog S datalogger

Product GlogS
GigaLog S datalogger, LCD alpha 2x16
Product GsDin
GigaLog S datalogger in DIN rail housing
Product GsGraph
GigaLog S datalogger with colour LCD in housing
Option for GlogS GsLcd
LCD graphic colour 320x240 with touchscreen
Option for GlogS, GsDin, GsGraph Gsm65
Modem GSM/GPRS + antenna

GigaLog S is a data logger for Gbytes of data using microSD memory cards.
With GigaLog S any embedded system can log its data easily, for a very long period, and readable by a PC.

GigaLog S automatically recognizes microSD memory cards, and creates files to store the data into it. When switching power on, or changing the memory card, new data will be appended to the files. Stored data can be read on a PC using a simple microSD adapter. The memory card appears as a removable disk to the PC. All data from the Rs232 is in a single file, analog data in another file on the disk.
You may also upload stored data from the board by USB or Rs232 into a file on the PC.

GigaLog S is available as board or in a housing to be mounted on a DIN rail.
GigaLog S is also available with a graphic LCD to show rescend data.

Storing data from analogue or digital inputs
Gigalog S has 16 single-ended inputs. Couples of inputs can be used as differential inputs. Each input can be configured as analog, digital, or counter. Gigalog samples these inputs regularly and stores them on the disk in a file.
Each input, or pair of inputs can be configured as:

Utility program GigaTerm shows, where to put jumpers and resistor onto the board.

Storing incoming data from Rs232
All data coming in from one of the two serial Rs232 interface can be stored on the disk in a file. A data frame from the Rs232 is any consecutive data until there is a gap of at least 0.5 seconds. GigaLog can be configured to add a time stamp (yyyy:mm:dd hh:mm:ss) in front and/or at the end of a data frame.

More Inputs

You may add more inputs to the GigaLog S data logger using Remote Acquisition modules. These Modules are frequently used in industries, and they come from several suppliers. AdvantechÆ ADAM-4000, AdlinkÆ NµDAM-6000 ICPÆ I-7000, eDAM-8000. Use the RS2 port of the GigaLog S board to create a RS485 network. The GigaLog S is the master of the network. You may connect up to 9 slaves to GigaLog S. Other GigaLog S board can also be connected as slave modules. GigaLog S handles up to 100 inputs, a0 to a15 are on the board, a16 to a99 are remote. You may configure for all inputs the expression to calculate the engineering value from the raw value before storing it to the memory card. All inputs can be displayed on the LCD, and on the optional graphical LCD.

PC Tool GigaTerm allows you to communicate with the GigaLog board:

PC Tool GigaData displays graphically the recorded data.

Technical data
Analogue inputs 16 single ended, or 8 differential, or mixed
ADC resolution, technology 24 bit delta-sigma
Impedance >10 M Ohm
Resolution with a perfectly stable input signal
at 1ms sampling, typ
16 bits
at 10ms 18 bits
at 100ms 19 bits
Input options -0.1 - +1.2V
-0.1 - +1.2V with low pass filter
-0.5 - +6.5V, -1 - +13V, -3 - +41V, -10 - +123V
-1 - +1V, -12 - +18V
-1 - +1V differential, -12 - +12V differential
Thermocouple K, J
Pt100, Pt1000
Digital, switch with pullup, high voltage
Counter, switch with pullup, high voltage
Additional Inputs Up to 100 inputs over Rs485 network:
Gigalog S, or remote acquisition modules.
Memory card micro sd-card, 2 G per file (FAT32)
Sandisk, any size
Sampling >= 1ms
Storing Rs232 <= 115200 bd
Programmable Command macros
Programmable in c
LCD Character 2x16
Or graphic colour tft 5.7" 320x240 + touch panel, backlight (option)
Serial interfaces 2 Rs232
1 Rs485
Other outputs 2 solid state relays
Remote Control by GSM/GPRS
Transfer of data to Internet
Set clock from Internet
with GSM65 (option)
Set clock from GPS
with GSM65b (option)
Power supply Gigalog S Board: 6 - 15V, 70ma
Graphic LCD: 12V, 300mA
Gsm65: 6 - 15V, 60mA, 1A (peaks)
Low power mode < 1mA
Dimensions GlogS Board: 101x86x15 mm, 75 g
GsDin Din housing: 106x91x80 mm, 220 g
GsLcd Graphic LCD: 167x108x37 mm, 260 g
GsGraph GlogS + GsLcd + housing: 200x122x58 mm, 630 g
Gsm65: 48x32x13 mm, 12g
Temperature Operating: -10 - +50 C
Storage: -20 - +70 C

GigaLog S completely programmable in C
To customise the board, you may write your own firmware in C, and download it into GigaLog.
Delivered with the board: C compiler, library for the board, firmware source, downloader.

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