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Bare PCB

Populated PCB

DT001 Large Development Platform Motherboard. SimmStick development platform, and cheap PIC programmer. Lots of options. Designed for PIC chips, can be used for other Micros.

DT003 Small Development Platform Motherboard Simmstick mini-bus, power supply, and comms port with D-9 and Max-232

DT004 SimmStick Power Supply / Printer port extenderand SimmStick Bus

DT006 SimmStick AVR development board.The DT006 board will program the AVR 8, 20, and 28 pin DIP chips on board, and will also program the DT103, DT104, and SIMM100  AVR SimmSticks, as well as any AVR target board that has a Kanda type header, however current burning software is achieved with the programmer software built into Bascom-AVR. Have a read through Bascom-AVR documentation for chip types supported.

DT207 Power Supply and RS-232 SimmStick, is simply a 1" SimmStick, at the same price as other 1" SimmStick PCB's. It can be used as a stand-alone Power Supply and/or a RS-232 Comms unit, or in conjunction with a SimmStick Development system. The DT005 passive Motherboard is an ideal candidate for this module.


Page up-dated at September 19st, 2000

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