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Include files for PIC16F87 and 16F88 (for PBP 2.43 and 2.44)

These files may be extracted to your PicBasic Pro install directory to add support for the F87 and F88.Ý This only works in versions 2.43 and 2.44 of PicBasic Pro Compiler. The ADCIN command will not function with these parts, but sample A/D programs are included in the zip.

Download Files (16F88.ZIP, 10K)

Software patch for PicBasic Pro version 2.42

Fixes bug in math involving byte variables in complex expressions. We recommend that all users of version 2.42 install this patch.

Download and run the following patch file. You must have PicBasic Pro version 2.42. This is not an upgrade.

Download Patch (pbp242a.exe, 85K)

Software patch for PicBasic Pro version 2.40

Fixes compile error: "Bad Val Op..."

Download and run the following patch file. You must have PicBasic Pro version 2.40. This is not an upgrade.

Download Patch (pbp240a.exe, 72K)

Include files for 18F series parts and PicBasic Pro 2.40

Fixes errors from MPASM concerning "_config" symbols.

Download the ZIP file and extract the contents to your PBP directory. These files do not add support for 18F, they just change the names of the configuration registers. They should only be installed in version 2.40. They won't have any affect on earlier versions.

Download INC files (INC18F.ZIP, 4K)

Download WinZip compression software

Utility to add line-feeds to standalone carriage-returns in source code files.

Fixes mystery compile errors that seem to be related to invisible characters in source code. Try this is your compile error seems to move from line to line when you comment things out in the debug process.

Download the exe file and save it to the folder where your source file is stored. Run Windows Explorer, drag the damaged bad source file onto the FileFix program.

Download FileFix.exe (36K)

Stop Windows XP from polling printer port

Windows XP may periodically access printer ports and interrupt the EPIC programming process. This can be stopped with a registry entry.

Download the registry entry file below and merge it into your XP registry.

Download XP_stop_polling.reg (1K)

Page up-dated at January 17, 2012

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