FLASH Monitor Debugger for GPC® cards provided of 8051 microcontroller

FMO 53 English User Manual in PDF format.

Ver. 5.00 - Rel. 11 Febrary 2009


FMO53 is an interactive software tools, composed by a monitor debugger and a FLASH EPROM manager, that allows to develop the user application in a fast and comfortable way. It is available for many GPC® cards included in grifo® industrial boards group, based on Intel 51 microprocessor family. Thanks to FMO53 each user can prepare the firmware for the used control card, with no requirements of complicated and expensive external development systems, obtaining a considerable reduction of time and costs. The inexpensive use of FMO53 is confirmed also by the slight list of required items: it can be used only with a standard PC connected to preselected card, through RS 232 serial line.

The monitor debugger operates in machine language and therefore it can be joined with any programming language, always for I51 family; among these we can remind the numerous Assemblers, C compilers, BASIC compilers, PASCAL compilers, etc.

The FMO53 provides numerous functions as dump and change of memories content, breakpoints management, single step code execution, real time code execution, inspection and modification of microcontroller's registers, a complete disassembler, test of RAM, FLASH erasure, FLASH programming with user program and automatic execution of the program saved on FLASH. These functions are the typical features of an hardware In Circuit Emulator and they are well replaced by FMO53, that is completely realized by software.

About operations to perform, the user must only write the application program for the used card, through the selected programming language; at this point he must convert the source in executable code (compile and/or assemble it) and then upload it to card through FMO53. The program, once uploaded, can be executed on the board by obtaining the possibility to test his functionalitity directly on the real system; if the functionality has some bugs the user must solve them by repeating the steps described up to now. When a functionality completely right is obtained the user can proceed by saving the tested application program on FLASH EPROM, always through FMO53. At this point the card is ready to be installed on the final plant infact in the following power ons the application program will start automatically. Whenever, after a variable time period, the user must attend on application program to verify or update it, the FMO53 can stiop the execution of saved program and re-allow all the operations previously described, with a simple displacement of a proper on board selector.

It is important to remind that FMO53 uses very few resourcers of the used card and it is not intrusive for the user application program. However these resources (described in detail in following descriptions) are completely released when the program saved on FLASH is executed; the user can develop his program as if it were running standalone, without fear of any conflicts.


The most important features of FMO53 are below summarized:


8051 based control card

It is the electronic card that belong to grifo® industrial set, based on I51 and compatible microprocessors, as:

Independently from the application to develop, the target card must be provided of:
- EPROM with TFMO53
- at least 32K bytes of SRAM
- one asyncronous RS 232 serial line


Development personal computer

A standard personal computer provided of:


Suggested materials

To simplify and to speed the FMO53 use even by untrained customers, and to complete the application development, the following items can be profitably used:


As advanced in previous description, the FMO53 provides a list of commands that allows to perform the following operations:


  • A <address>
    Alters internal memory of microcontroller at the specified address.
  • B <breakpoint n°> <address>
    Sets breakpoint at specified address or it display the addresses of the breakpoint already defined.
  • C <register> <value>
    Changes the value of the internal registers of microcontroller, both at 8 and 16 bits.
  • D <start address> <end address>
    Displays the value of the external data memory of microcontroller from start address to end address,, in HEX and ASCII format.
  • E <address>
    Edits the external data memory of microcontroller, by starting from the specified address .
  • F <start address> <end address> <value>
    Fills the external data memory of microcontroller from start address to end address, with the specified value.
  • G <address>
    Executes the program saved in code area by starting at the specified address, at real speed.
  • H
    Enables the use of the commands dedicated to FLASH.
  • X
    Performs a total erasure of the FLASH.
  • I <start address> <end address>
    Displays the value of the internal memory of microcontroller from start address to end address,, in HEX format.
  • L
    Enables the reception from serial line, of an Intel HEX or Motorola S file. This file must contains the executable code properly located according to desidered conditions of use.
  • R
    Displays the current values of the microcontroller's registers.
  • S
    Executes one instruction (Single Step) from the current program counter (PC) address. Disassembly of the instruction stepped is displyed on the development PC.
  • T
    Performs a complete test of the SRAM portion that is always available for the user.
  • U <start address> <end address>
    Un-assembles the code memory included between the two specified addresses. The command shows address, opcodes bytes, instruction neumonic and operands of each instruction.
  • ?
    Displays a short help summary of the available commands.
  • For detailed description of the commands, please refer to proper user manual.

    Page up-dated at Febrary 11. 2009

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